
(jair2018) #1
The Laplace Transform Method

EXAMPLE 2 Solving an Initial Value Problem with an
Impulse Forcing Function

Solve the initial value problem

y" + 2y' + 5y = M(x - 2); y(O) = 4, y' (0) = 0.



The solution process is the same as for example l. Taking the Laplace

transform of the given differential equation and imposing the initial conditions,
we find successively

L'.[y" + 2y' + 5y] = L'.[M(x - 2)]

L'.[y"(x)] + 2£[y'(x)] + 5£[y(x)] = 5e-^28

-y'(O) - sy(O) + s^2 L'.[y(x)] - 2y(O) + 2sl'.[y(x)] + 5£[y(x)] = 5e-^28

-4s - 8 + (s^2 + 2s + 5)£[y(x)] = 5e-^28.

Solving for L'. [y( x) J and using partial fraction expansion and information found
in Table 5.1, we see

£[ (x)] = 5C

+ 4s + 8
y s^2 + 2s + 5

= ~e-^28 L'.[e-x sin 2x] + 4L'.[e-x cos 2x] + 2£[e-x sin 2x].

Applying the second translation property yields

L'.[y(x)] = L'.[-u(^5 x - 2)e-(x-^2 ) sin2(x - 2) + 4e-x cos2x + 2e-x sin2x].

Hence, the solution of the initial value problem is

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