Linear Systems of First-Order Differential Equations
The essential algebraic properties for matrices are stated below.
DEFINITION Equality of Matrices
Two matrices A = ( aij) and B = ( bij) are equal if and only if
(i) they are the same size
(ii) % = bij for all i and j.
DEFINITIONS Addition and Subtraction of Matrices
In order to add or subtract two matrices they must necessarily be the
same size.
If A= (aiJ) and B = (biJ) are both m x n matrices, then
(i) the sum S = A+ B is an m x n matrix with elements Sij = aiJ + bij-
that is,
(ii) the difference D = A - B is an m x n matrix with elements dij =
aiJ - bij- that is,
For example, if
-:) and B~H
(2+3 -1+4) ( 5
A+B= O+V2° i-2 = V2 i~2)
7r + 4 e+O n+4
A- B= c-3 O-V2° -i + 2 1-4) = (-1 -V2 i:2 -5).