
(jair2018) #1

440 Ordinary Differential Equations


  1. Consider the nonlinear Richardson's arms race model


  • = 5y-x^2 + 5
    dy 2
    dt = 4x - y - 4.

a. Find the critical point in the first quadrant.
b. Write the associated linear system and determine the stability charac-
teristics at the critical point. What can you conclude about the stability
of the nonlinear system (9) at the critical point?

c. Use PORTRAIT to solve the system initial value problems consisting of
system (9) and the following five initial conditions on the interval [O, 2]:

(i) x(O) = 0, y(O) = 7; (ii) x(O) = 2, y(O) = l ; (iii) x(O) = 5, y(O) = O;

(iv) x(O) = 7, y(O) = O; (v) x(O) = 7, y(O) = 7.

Display a phase-plane portrait of y versus x on the rectangle with
0 :::; x :::; 10 and 0 :::; y :::; 10.

  1. Consider the following nonlinear arms race model
    dx 2
    dt = y-x - 4
    dt = 4x - y2 - 4.

a. Find the critical point in the first quadrant.

b. Write the associated linear system and calculate the eigenvalues. What
can you say about the stability of the associated linear system based
on the eigenvalues? What can you conclude about the stability of the
nonlinear system (10) at the critical point?

c. Use PORTRAIT to solve the system initial value problems consisting
of system (10) and the following four initial conditions on the interval

(i) x(O) = 1.8, y(O) = 1.8; (ii) x(O) = 1, y(O) = 4; (iii) x(O) = 3,

y(O) = 1; (iv) x(O) = 3, y(O) = 4.

Graph the phase-plane portrait of y versus x on the rectangle with
0 :::; x :::; 5 and 0 :::; y :::; 5. What do you infer about the stability of the
nonlinear system (10) from these results?
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