
(jair2018) #1
448 Ordinary Differential Equations

while doubling y 0 causes By 6 to quadruple. Since the initial strengths of the
opposing forces, x 0 and y 0 , appear quadratically in equation (4) and, hence,
effect the outcome of the battle in a quadratic manner, equation ( 4) is known
as "Lanchest er's square law."
A "guerrilla force" is one which is invisible to its enemy. When the enemy
fir es into a region containing the guerrilla force, the enemy does not know when
a kill occurs, so the enemy is unable to concentrate its fire on the remaining

guerrillas. It is reasonable to assume t hat the combat loss rate of a guerrilla

force is j ointly proportional to the number of guerrillas and the number of t he
enemy, since the probability that the enemy kills a guerrilla increases as the
number of guerrillas in a given region increases and it increases as the number
of enemy firing into the region increases. Thus, the Lanchester model for a
conventional force, x, engaged in battle with a guerrilla force, y, is



dt =f(t)-Ax-By

dy =g(t)-Cy-Dxy

where A , B , C , and Dare nonnegative constants; where f(t) is the reinforce-

ment rate, Ax is the operational loss rate, and By is the combat lo ss rate of
the conventional force, x; and where g(t) is the reinforcement rate, Cy is the
operational lo ss rate, and Dxy is th e combat loss rate for the guerrill a force,
Let us now consider a conventional force and a guerrilla force engaged in
a b attle in which no reinforcements occur, j(t) = g(t) = 0, and in which no
operational lo sses occur, A = C = 0. That is, let us consider the nonlinear
autonomous system
dt =-By
dt = -Dxy.

Dividing the second equation of (6) by the first, we see that



-Dx y

D x

Multiplyi ng by B dx and integrating from (x 0 , y 0 ) to (x(t), y(t)), we find

f,y(t) 1 x(t)

B dy D xdx

Yo xo

B(y(t) - Yo)
D(x^2 (t) - x6)
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