
(jair2018) #1

474 Ordinary Differential Equations

on the rectangle 0 ~ S ~ 500 and 0 ~ I ~ 200. This phase-plane graph is
shown in Figure 10.18. Observe from the graph that S approaches 15 as I
approaches 0. Substituting S 0 = 500, /3 = .005, N = So + Io + Ro = 505,

x = 15 , and r = .7 into the left-hand-side of equation (5), we find

Soe-f3(N-x)/r = 500e-^3 ·^5 = 15.099.

Since this value is approximately x, we have verified that the limiting value
of the number of susceptibles at the end of the epidemic is approximately 15.

That is , limt___,= S(t) = 15. Thus, for this epidemic model, system (6) with

initial conditions (i), we have verified equation (5) of the threshold theorem.



I 100


O-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...........
0 100 200 300 400


Figure 10. 18 A Phase-Plane Graph of I versus S for System (6)
for Initial Conditions (i)


(ii) Since we now wanted to solve the same system of differential equations

with different initial conditions, we entered the new initial conditions: S(O) =

100 , I(O) = 100 , and R(O) = 0. A graph of S , I , and R is displayed in
Figure 10.19. Notice that S decreases monotonically from the value of 100 to
approximately 30 , I decreases monotonically from the value of 100 to nearly 0,
and R increases monotonically from 0 to approximately 170. Since I decreases

monotonically to 0, no epidemic occurs in this instance. Verify that x = 30 is

the approximate solution of equation (5) for the given initial values. Hence, in
this case, as I , 0, S , 30. Thus, there are 30 susceptibles remaining when

the epidemic ends. A phase-plane graph of I versus Sis shown in Figure 10.20.
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