
(jair2018) #1
Applications of Systems of Equations 477

Use computer software to solve the following epidemic with inoculation
dt = -.OlSI - .lS


dt = .OlSI - 3I


di= 3I + .lS

on the interval [O, 5] where t is in days for the initial conditions:

(i) So = 300, Io = 10 , Ro = (^0) (ii) So = 500, Io = 10, Ro = 0

In each case, display S, I, and Ron a single graph and display a phase-plane

graph of I versus S. Compare your results with the results of exercise l. Does

an epidemic occur in case (ii) as it did in exercise 1? What is limt_, 00 S(t) in
each case?

  1. A rapidly increasing number of infectives can frighten members of the
    susceptible group and ~ause them to aggressively seek inoculation. So suppose
    that the inoculation rate is proportional to the product of the number of
    susceptibles and the number of infectives instead of simply proportional to the
    number of susceptibles. In this case, a model for an epidemic with inoculation

dt = - /3SI - aSI

dt =/3SI-rI


di= rI +aSI

where a, /3, and r are positive constants.

Use computer software to solve the foll owing epidemic with inoculation
dt = -.OlSI - .05SI

~~ = .OlSI - 3I

dR = 3I .05SI

dt +

on the interval [O, 5] where t is in days for the initial conditions:

(i) So = 300, Io = 10, Ro = 0 (ii) So = 500, Io = 10 , Ro = 0
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