
(jair2018) #1


This is a book on the theory of functions of one complex variable. It

contains, with many elaborations, the subject of the courses and seminars
offered by the author during a period of some 40 years. Some topics which,
due to time limitations, were presented briefly in the classroom here are
given a more leisurely and extensive treatment.
In addition to the basic topics in the classical theory of analytic func-
tions, usually taught in first courses on the subject, the text contains some
material on nonanalytic functions and a brief account of various types of
generalized analytic functions as discussed by several authors in the last
few decades. In this respect our book differs from all standard works on
the subject.
Because of the amount of material involved and the detailed manner
in which some topics are treated, this book should be considered a source
from which a variety of courses can be drawn, depending on the preferences
of the instructor. The clear explanations, numerous examples, exercises,
and illustrative figures also make the book invaluable for self-study and as
a reference work.
Whenever possible I have endeavored to give a specific reference for
each important theorem or formula discussed in the text. Also, in the
bibliography at the end of each chapter I have included the most significant
books and papers consulted in the preparation of the chapter.

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