(tintolacademy) #1
[Ibadan Journal of Sociology, June, 2019, 9 ]
[© 2014-2019 Ibadan Journal of Sociology]


public tap or standpipe, and rainwater)

Limited improved: Improved source more
than 30 minutes for a round trip (such as
piped water-piped into dwelling, other
protected spring, protected dug well, tube-
well/borehole, piped into yard/plot, public
tap or standpipe, and rainwater)

Unimproved: Sources from unprotected
dug well, and cart with small tank/drum

Surface water: Sources from dams, rivers,
ponds, lakes, streams, irrigation canal.
Type of toilet Basic Improved facility: Facilities like
flush/pour flush to septic sewer systems,
septic tanks or pit latrines; ventilated
improved pit latrines, composting toilet or
pit latrine with slab)

Limited Improved facility: Use of
facilities that are shared between two or
more households. (Improved facilities
include flush/pour flush to septic sewer
systems, septic tanks or pit latrines;
ventilated improved pit latrines,
composting toilet or pit latrine with slab)

Unimproved facilities include use of pit
latrines without a slab or platform, hanging
latrines or bucket latrines

Open defecation: disposal of human
faeces in fields, forest, bushes, open
bodies of water, beaches or other open
Type of cooking fuel
in the household

Non-solid fuel: Electricity, Biogas,
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Kerosene

Solid fuel: Wood, charcoal, crops or
other agricultural waste, animal dung,
shrubs and straw, and coal/lignite
Background characteristics of analytical under-five children among
urban poor in Nigeria

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