
(itemelite) #1

this time period.

Put the time clock up there during the Q&A, and consistently bring
people back to the time clock. “You’ve got 4 minutes left...2 minutes
left...” Answer as many questions as you can. Don’t say, “We’re all done
with questions” or “We don’t have any more questions.” You want
people to kind of be on edge that you’re getting off the call, not because
there are no more questions, but because you have to do something else.

There are some questions you may not want to answer because they are
about competing products, and I totally understand that. It's 100% okay
to say “I don't know the answer to that question.” We do a lot of search
engine optimization webinars, and people often ask, “Well, what do you
think about this?” You can say, “Truthfully, I don't know the answer
about that particular software. I have never used it. All I know is that we
have used these 3 pieces of software, and you can learn about them in
our training program.”

I also like to show the course on the screen: the course, the members
area, the shopping cart page, the order form, all that stuff, during the
Q&A section, because it really helps build trust. They know what they're
getting. I will take somebody through the exact process. “You're going to
go to and that's going to take you to this
page...” That sort of transparency really means a lot, because they know
exactly what they're going to get before they click the button.
Oftentimes, the fear of the unknown is sometimes enough to delay

Also, be prepared, and I know I already said this, but sometimes you can
get an overly idiotic customer on a webinar. You have two choices: you
can either ignore them, or you can call them out. One time, there was a
guest who badmouthed some screenshots that I showed, so I called him
out. I wasn’t trying to be a jerk, but I went into the affiliate accounts and
actually started going through them, one-by-one.

Live webinars let you do a lot of awesome stuff, and when I did this,
everybody on the call just seriously shut up. Some people said, “Oh my
God, I’m starting to cry...” because they had been trying the affiliate
marketing game for so long, and for somebody to show them the
earnings shot of $8,000 or whatever...

So, two options: you can either ignore them or you can call them out.

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