
(itemelite) #1

bloggers and website owners to display Google ads for them, and then
they get a cut of whatever revenue Google collects from clicks on those
ads. So, I highly advise you use the content network, and create some
simple ugly banner.

Surprisingly, ugly banners get higher click-through rates. Basically,
create an ad with a white background, red headline, maybe an image,
black text, blue link, really ugly stuff. They tend to have a really great
click-through rate. The better the click-through rate, the cheaper traffic
you will be able to send.

Another network we like to use is is
a banner advertising service. You can go there, sign up as an advertiser,
and then you're able to place ads on any of the sites in their network. All
you have to do just find a site in your niche, buy a couple of banner ad
spots, upload your creative, and send traffic back to your automated
webinar signup page.

You can also use They have a retargeting campaign, and
you can also place banners on thousands of sites across a whole bunch of
different networks. It is a really great tool to use. They have training
tutorials on how to use them, but again, it's another awesome resource.

Probably the easier option, rather than paid advertising, is going out to
find affiliates. So a few tips on finding affiliates: The first and probably
the easiest thing to do is find a JV broker. This is more advanced and
more about networking, but whenever you hear about a JV broker, follow
them on Facebook and Twitter.

There are different JV brokers for different niches. Basically, he or she
knows a bunch of people who all have products that help promote each
other. A lot of times, he will arrange a reciprocal promotion between you
and that product owner. The other product owner promotes you and you
promote that other product owner. The JV broker gets a cut in the middle.
They get 10% either way. Some JV brokers are better than others, but
finding affiliates is a bulletproof way of scaling a business.

Another way that we really like to do it is to reach out to people ranking
in the search engines for the keywords relevant to your product. So, if
you have a health and fitness offer, a dieting offer, go ahead and Google
foods to lose weight and reach out to the site owners. Offer to do a guest
post, offer to buy a banner on the website, or offer to pay them to put a
text link on their site and send traffic back to your automated webinar.

Another thing we like to do is find leaderboards from products launching

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