
(itemelite) #1


After you have posed the problem, present the solution. It is a natural tendency
to move into the solution after you have shown the prospect the problem. You
want to begin to talk about your prospect getting out of their rut and leaving the
pain associated with the problem behind. You have successfully convinced the
prospect that you know what they are going through and what it feels like to be
on the other side after you have found the solution. You then need to tell them
what it feels like to have actually conquered the problem that you posed and
start giving them hope. Talk about how you were able to pick yourself up by the
bootstraps and come up with the solution. Talk about all of the good things that
came out of the solution.

You want to go into detail about the struggle and the length of time it took to get
to the solution. This will start to pre-frame your audience into the product. Go
into detail about what steps you took. Did you actually sit down and write a list
of steps and action items and go through them? Or, maybe you woke up one day
and had this sudden realization of a way that you could get past the problems
you faced. Maybe it was easy, maybe it was extremely hard. Talk about how
much mental effort it took to do the steps you had to take to get where you are
now. Talk about revelations, thinking clearly, and your expectations. Let your
readers know what you expected to come out of the process, and what you
thought of the process itself.

One thing you can do to get into posing a solution, is ask yourself what other
people think about you as a result of the process. If you can find out what
other’s views are on what you accomplished, you can get a good idea of how
prospects want to feel after a successful solution. You want to help people see
the aftermath of the problem they are facing, what it feels like to be better, and
how to get there.

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