
(itemelite) #1

The goal of putting up these testimonials is to get prospects picturing the results
they’ll have if they work with you. You want somebody else to picture
themselves in that Ferrari they’ve dreamed about or enjoying the same rewards
that you’ve been enjoying. You want prospects to envision the results and the
life that you’ve created for yourself. All in all, you want them to put themselves
in your shoes after they’ve solved the problem they’ve been facing. You want
them to bask in the idea of having solved or rectified that problem.

The social element and the testimonials offer proof that what you do works for
people. Proof gives prospects the ability to trust you and to really feel safe
buying from you. You want them to think about all of the people who are
already satisfied with your product. If you can offer a ton of testimonials and
proof that what you offer works, you’re going to have a lot of success selling
your product. Making those prospects part of the vision of the overall success of
your product is a really important part of the process. It should go without
saying, don’t fake credibility or testimonials. It’s better to have no testimonial at
all rather than faked testimonials. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has
really put an end to fake testimonials. They put a lot of regulations out that have
come down hard on testimonials and case studies, and you actually need to have
documentation on each and every testimonial you use.

Besides testimonials, you’re going to need to provide some proof that you know
what you’re talking about. Credibility doesn’t have to come in the form of a
testimonial. Credibility can be in social proof, like the fact that you have 2,200
likes on your Facebook page, audio recordings of your product or reviews, even
pictures. A simple way to earn this credibility is to even create it yourself. All
you really have to do is email educational content and how-to information about
your process and product. You can then ask those prospects to buy from you,
and the credibility is kind of implied. You’ve already established the credibility
because what you’re sent them is already working. It’s simple yet brilliant.

In the next few chapters we are going to get into more product information. The
entire process builds upon each section of the product and the whole picture will
come together as we work through it.

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