
(itemelite) #1


The close of the sales letter can be done with three big points within your sales
copy in order to have the best effect. The first is the emotional close. The
emotional close is everything that isn’t necessarily concrete. It is your story, the
problem, fears, likes, dislikes, hopes, and desires. All of that is emotional.
Second is logic. You’re going to have everything that is fact-based. You want to
include the numbers, pricing, money-back guarantee, analytics and results,
processes, etc. Remind your prospects that when this happens, this is the result.
Give a short statement on those features and benefits with results. Lastly, there’s
fear based information. It’s mostly about the scarcity of what may happen
without the product.

In a sales letter, the problem, solution, and product information are all
emotional. You’re trying to tell stories and get the prospect to envision
themselves after conquering the problem. Once you have introduced the price,
you’re giving them the ability to buy your product. Up until that first price
point, that process is all emotional. At this point, some will buy your product
without even delving into the logic of it. Not many, but some will be
particularly emotional about the product and the results that they want to have.
They will hit the buy button and that’s about it.

After you have finalized the emotional close, you aren’t done. It’s important to
introduce a logical close. The logical close includes sales arguments and
rationale that transitions your prospect's way of thinking into tangible ideas.
You go through the emotion and logic, and some people will buy at that point,
but most won’t. Most will continue reading into what they get immediately after
purchasing, what they’ll get out of the product, and when they can expect
delivery if it’s a physical product.

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