
(itemelite) #1

Picking The Right Email Marketing Platform

Email marketing software is the glue that makes everything work. It’s how you
send emails to the folks on your list.

To put it simply, if you’re collecting names and email addresses for the purpose
of marketing, you’ve got to be CAN-SPAM compliant... Meaning every email
needs to have an unsubscribe link, you need to include a physical address, and
lots of other stuff.

There are LOTS of email software providers out there, all saying that they’re the
best. In actuality, they’re all good. They get your emails where they need to go.

For our purposes, we want to make sure that:

  • There is an autoresponder feature

  • The software has the capability to grow with you

  • Price-wise, it's reasonable based on the size of your business

So, here’s a roundup of some of the best email marketing platforms out there,
arranged by ‘business complexity.’

Convertly is my favorite email marketing software, mostly because my team
created it for our clients... Out of all of the software solutions out there, there
wasn’t one that was easy to use (as in my mom could use it...) that I’d trust with
my clients email automation. Not to mention, my clients need something that
especially automated since all of the sales funnels we design and build are
automated front to back.

... That also means that Convertly is awesome for you if you’re just starting out

Besides doing broadcast emails, which means writing one email and sending it
to the whole list, Convertly lets you set up a sequential series of emails that go
out at a predetermined time based on when each person joined your list... And,
you can import entire autoresponder sequences from our own, best selling
Scriptly software!

So, if you want to build an automated sales funnel, email marketing is going to
be right at the heart of it all!

When someone signs up for your newsletter, your free report, or for your
download, they’ll be put on an autoresponder that systematically sends out
emails every day to them (or as often as you set them up...)

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