
(itemelite) #1

actions that someone needs to take to accomplish a task correctly, without
actually giving them the tools and the training to do it...

The 2X checklist is what we gave away on some of our live webinars.

(After all, we do want to convert them to a sale at some point, right?)

With a well thought out checklist, you can demonstrate that you know the
material inside and out, and also point out things that your prospect might be

This is great for getting them to raise their hand and say that they need your

  1. Videos

One of the ways that a lot of marketers try to get leads is to give access to a free
video. From experience, I can tell you that sometimes it works... And
sometimes it doesn’t.

If you’re demonstrating something that’s highly visual, like training a dog,
swinging a golf club, adjusting a camera for the best portrait, or building
something out of 2×4’s, then video is a good medium to share that content.

If you’re doing something that’s NOT visual, like talking about marketing
strategy, explaining the big benefit of life coaching, or teaching someone how to
ward away panic attacks – a video lead magnet is a bad way to go.

The point of video is to move them along in the sales process, and it’s almost
impossible to do if the video isn’t engaging. You’re far better served to choose
some kind of PDF download that you can give away.

  1. Tutorials

I’m a big fan of point and click tutorials for teaching– and they make excellent
lead magnets.

In fact, I can’t tell you how many people have emailed me saying the printed
them out and rely on them every time they need to set up a new campaign or a
new website.

As further evidence of this, one of the biggest tutorial sites online is Envato
Network’s TutsPlus. For years, they’ve put together incredible tutorial sites, and
now they’ve got so much content that they’ve put a big ecourse kind of wrapper
around it, making it a HUGE challenger in the digital course space!

Free download pdf