
(itemelite) #1

  1. Figure Out What Your Lead Magnet Will Be About

The first thing you need to think about is what your lead magnet will be about.
(See the next chapter for a whole slew of ideas)

There’s a fair bit of strategy that comes into play here, because you want your
lead magnet to stand out among all of the other ones out there

And you want to use your lead magnet as a way to position you and your
products correctly, since you’re going to be selling to these leads through email!

A friend of mine, Ryan Deiss, says that lead magnets should be ‘splinters’ of
what you’re selling. In other words, they should be small, little sections of the
bigger product.

For example:

  • If you have a course on real estate investing, your lead magnet might be
    a report on "3 Ways To Find Cheap Investment Opportunities Using
    Free Tools."

  • If you have a coaching offer on webinar marketing, you could have a
    lead magnet titled, "7 High Intensity Closing Strategies That'll Increase
    Webinar Conversions By 120 Percent."

  • If you've got a brick and mortar shop - a car dealership - your report
    might be "5 Things To Look For That'll Maximize Your Car's Resale

In each of those examples, the lead magnet is a small, microscopic part of the
larger, overall picture!

A side benefit is, since you’re just giving away a piece or a splinter of a bigger
picture, your lead magnet will be ultra-focused and easily understood by cold
traffic. That means your conversions will be through the roof.

Anyone can write a report titled “7 Ways To Double Your Revenue,” or “8
Conversion Hacks For Your Website.” Take 5 minutes and cruise around online
and you’ll be surprised how many similar titles you’ll find.

The key is to be specific – to let a prospect know exactly what they’re
downloading – and make sure that the material is unique enough that the only
way for them to consume it is to actually go through the lead magnet!

Because let’s face it... If your lead doesn’t at least look at your stuff, they sure
won’t be on your list for very long! How many times have you downloaded
something and never looked at it?

So, rather than totally start from scratch, let’s just see if we can give the first

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