
(itemelite) #1

We’ve found that three days works the best for digital products, physical
products, and software. If you’re promoting a service, you might need a little

One of the reasons we keep it to a multi-day process is to make sure that
everyone on the list sees the email at least once. If we make it 12 hours or 24
hours, there’s a good chance that folks on your list won’t see it!

The three-day flash sale also allows for folks who aren’t quite as diligent about
checking their email or who are really busy.

At the end of the day, remember that every single one of the emails you send out
is going to a real, live person who has their own commitments, obligations, and
lives of their own!

Letting Your Audience Know

Of all the ways to drive traffic to a website, there are very few as dependable
and quantifiable as sending out an email to your list!

Your email list is made up of people who have expressed interest in you and
your products at some point in the past – it only makes sense that they’d be
interested in a flash sale.

Use the flash sale announcement as a reason to communicate with them, even if
you haven’t had that much interaction with them recently.

You’ll be surprised how many of your prospects will jump into your fold once
they learn about the discount that you’re giving (and the fact that it’s going away
in so many days!)

The Final Push

It’s easy to forget sometimes, but the last email on the last day that you send is
what will drive 70% of your sales...

Four or five hours before the promotion is set to end, email your list one last
final reminder to jump in. You’ll notice a steady stream of buyers come in the
hours between when that email is sent and when the offer closes.

That means, more people in your upsell sequences where you can really start
bumping up the average customer value of your buyers!

Launching Your Flash Sale

Inside Scriptly, there’s a Flash Sale Autoresponder Template waiting for you to

Free download pdf