
(itemelite) #1

These minutes are really pretty simple. Hey, where are you from? Can

everybody hear me okay? Questions and answers like a pregame.

Generally, when we start up a webinar, we say, “Hey, this is Jason Drohn.
Thanks so much for joining us on this webinar tonight. We’ll get started in about
3 or 4 minutes. Let’s go through and make sure that everyone is online and
signed up, but until then, in the question box, please say yes or yay or whatever.
Just let me know that you can hear me okay, because every once in a while, the
audio goes out. Okay, cool. Where is everybody from? A lot of times, we get
people from the other side of the world, and they actually had to wake up or set
their alarm to get up and listen to us talk. So, I like to give a quick shout-out to
let me know where everyone is from? Paris, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas,
California? Alright, cool. Awesome. So, we’ll just wait a couple more
minutes...? Okay, so tonight, we’re going to talk about...”

Minutes 5-15:

You introduce your webinar and you introduce yourself. You talk about you. My
name is ___. This is my background. This is my company. I tend to
shorten that up a little bit, because I tend to deliver more content. 5 to 15
minutes is normal.

“Hi, my name is Jason Drohn. I used to be a Pepsi truck driver. I always thought
I was more. I was enchanted by this technology thing, enchanted by the internet,
blah, blah, blah...”

So, that's how I kick off my little spiel. It does a couple of things. It bonds you
to the audience a little bit. It also lets people know what your background is, and
where you are from. Some people really like to dig into your background, “How
long has it been since...?” You see a lot of the questions.

Minutes 15-45:

Deliver value. This is your content piece. This is where you answer what your
topic is, and you give those A-Ha moments. There need to be A-Ha moments.
You need that light to go on with the people in the audience. If that light goes
on, they are inches away from buying something from you.

Minutes 45-55:

You introduce the product; you walk through the features and benefits; you show
some images of the product; and maybe share some testimonials.

Minutes 55-60:

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