
(itemelite) #1


Choosing the topic for your webinar is your first big hurdle.

There are a couple of questions that you need to ask yourself before you get

  • What do I talk about for 45 minutes? What is it that you can just riff on
    for 30-45 minutes that is going to be interesting and somewhat
    entertaining and educational to the people who are showing up?

  • What will people be interested in knowing? What is the market that
    your product is in? What are people going to actually spend an hour
    taking in?

  • What is normal on a webinar? Just ask yourself, if you have been on
    any webinars, and I am assuming you have, what do people in your
    market generally talk about? Because if you have seen the same
    webinar happen a few different times, then that topic resonates with an

  • What is the typical sequence of events? In those webinars, how does
    the webinar presenter actually put together the webinar itself?

  • What will keep people on until the end?

These are a few of the things you have to think about before putting your own
webinar together. If you can figure out what would keep you until the end of a
webinar, chances are your prospects are going to be incentivized by that same

Typically, webinars go like this:

Minutes 0-5:

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