
(itemelite) #1


In this chapter, we’re going to talking about the right hook, and how
picking the right hook is going to be crucial to the success of your
webinar. Getting the right hook, the right reason for people wanting to
sign up, is as much an art as it is a science.

If your hook isn't right, you won't have nearly as many people signed up
for your webinar as you expected. The reason is because there is a
disconnect. There is a disconnect between why the people think they're
there, and what you're asking them to do. It might be the wrong audience
or it might be the wrong hook.

That's something that you need to think about. Who is coming to your
webinar Sign-Up Page? Who do you want actually to be on your
webinar? What is the hook and how are you actually going to get them
there? If your hook is right, you're going to be beating them off with a
stick. If you have a good hook in the right audience, then people are
going to be signing up in droves.

This goes back to the Pain Points. Why should people care? What's in it
for them? Bottom line—if you can't answer: What's in it for them?
What's in it for the people that you're trying to sign up to your webinar?
—then you need to rethink the topic.

People attend events, or do anything for that matter, because of two
reasons: to avoid pain or to have pleasure. People move twice as fast to
avoid pain than to have pleasure. That's why people are signing up for
your webinar. They're trying to avoid the pain in their life. They are
trying to live their life better, easier, faster, richer, skinnier—that's why

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