
(itemelite) #1

stuff, on a webinar, then your energy level goes up, because your
audience has a certain energy level. Again, automated webinars don't
allow that, because it’s basically just a recorded video.

A drawback of live webinars is that you have to block out two hours per
day for every webinar you run. Some people can run around two to three
webinars a day, on different topics, or the same topic, and you can tell.
When they're in their fourth or fifth hour of running webinars, you can
tell. It’s draining. It’s an intensive process if you plan on repeating it.

If you do a webinar that works really well, and your plan is to continue
running live webinars, what can happen is the genuineness can leave
your voice after the fourth, fifth, sixth, or twentieth webinar, because it is
so rehearsed. Many times, the first few times will be your best for
conversions and it will trail off from there. You will have to be a very
good actor, once you are practiced, to maintain that flair and that energy,
that rawness. You just don’t get that when you run webinars 20 or 30

Now we’ll discuss the pros and cons of automated webinars. First of all,
it is automated, so it is an Internet marketer’s dream. It is passive
income. Folks sign up, go through this webinar, and you make money.
You don’t have to be there—it is a system that just works. That is a huge
benefit of automated webinars. You don’t have to be in front of the
computer to make money. You can travel, you can step away from your
computer, your house, your office, and that webinar runs when you tell it
to run. People attend it like it’s a live webinar.

A downside is you cannot see the audience. You can’t interact with them.
You can’t feel their energy. Nor can you tailor the webinar. If a certain
group of the audience does not understand, you are unable to back it up a
couple steps, and tailor that presentation to them, which ultimately is a
benefit of the live webinar.

Another drawback is that you cannot answer all the questions that show
up on the webinar. If you have 500 people on the webinar, and a good
portion of them have questions, you can’t go through and answer them,
so you are unable to focus your message. Most of your sales will come
through the question and answer section. In order to run a successful
automated webinar, you need to make sure that the questions answered
are, largely, part of the bigger group and some of the most common

There is also a certain amount of risk to automated webinars. What if it
doesn't play? What if it just doesn't start? One time, we had 2,400 people
signed up for an automated webinar. I was pulling my hair out leading up

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