
(itemelite) #1

In some of the Facebook groups I am in, and in some of the Skype
conversations that I’ve had, everybody is still looking for the one that
solves all their problems, but there isn't one yet. This is unfortunate,
because there are so many pieces of the puzzle that are out there, but it's
just not 100% there yet.

Once you decide which system is right for you, all of them have really
great support and tutorials on how to get set up. It is a technical operation
to set up a webinar. What I recommend to my personal clients is to do a
few live webinars. Pick the best one, the one that converts the best, the
one that has the best response and feedback, and then set it up on one of
the automated webinar platforms, still being our
recommended choice. See if it works nearly as well as being live.
Automated hardly ever out-converts live, but it is worth a shot, and
something you should try. Just use the replay of the real webinar that you

Don't sit in your office and do a video and then automate it. You're not
going to get the right liveness, or the right energy, or answer the
questions the way that you should, even if you have any questions to
answer. So, I always recommend doing a live webinar, doing it for even
just 10 or 15 people, and then automating it after that. See if it works. If
it does, fantastic. If it converts nearly as well, then that's awesome. If it
doesn't, then do a couple more live webinars. With the automated
webinar, you’ll just want to test and try a few different things and move
on from there.

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