
(itemelite) #1

webinars that I’ve ever done, we do fast action bonuses. It can be a
digital product or a physical product. I like physical.

The first time I did this was with a physical DVD mailing. It was a
product that I was really jazzed about. In the webinar, I included one
very simple slide. It was titled fast action bonus: “If you buy within the
next 15 minutes, I'm going to send you these two DVDs.” I Googled and
found this online stopwatch and put it up on screen, so all the attendees
could see it.

I put 15 minutes on it, hit Start, and started answering all the Q&A stuff.
I just told them you have 15 minutes to buy this. People started buying
and then I started doing some call-outs. “Oh, thanks, John. Thanks, Joe.
Thanks, Sally.” All of a sudden, everybody started buying. So, 7 minutes,
6 minutes, 5 minutes, 4 minutes, all the way down and at the two-minute
mark, I said “For everybody who is the Shopping Cart and ordering the
product, just let me know here, so I know to make sure to send you the

Then everybody started rocking and rolling. Then I said, “You only have
a minute left. If you have any problems with the checkout process, or if
you're in the middle of checkout, then make sure we know, so we can get
you your bonus.” I had that announcement at two minutes and at one
minute. The product was $97 and the conversion rate 52%, which means
if 100 were on the call, 52 people bought. Typically, for a $97 product,
the conversion rates can be about 25 to 30%.

We doubled our conversion rate by offering this fast action bonus. At the
end, there were a couple of people that said, “I really, really want your
product. I don’t have my credit card,” or “I want to talk to my wife about
this first. Can you give me an extension?” I told them, “I totally
understand that you want to check with your wife,” or “If you don’t have
a way to pay for it, that’s not your fault. So, what I'll do is I will give you
24-hour extension.” They so appreciated the extension that we ended up
getting sales for the next several days.

It worked like gangbusters. Fast action bonuses are my number one tip. I
didn't even have any physical DVDs at that point—I didn't even know
what was I going to put on the DVDs. I just named the DVDs and said
people would get them for free. The next day, I had to go purchase
myself a DVD-maker, because I ended up selling so much on the first
webinar that I now had to make over 175 DVDs.

Also, do attendee bonuses. They are really pretty simple. Offer an iPad or
a Kindle as a bonus. “So, if you attend the webinar, and you stay on until

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