
(itemelite) #1

he ever tested $497 or $997 or $1,997?

I went on to tell him that he was sending his customers to a domain, so
why not create 3 sales pages and see which price outperforms the others?
It is very simple to do. All you have to do is create 3 variations of that
sales page, one with $497, one with $997, and one with $1,997.

You’ll need a piece of software: for example, Google has Website
Optimizer. It's free. The one that we like to use is Visual Website
Optimizer. All it does is when somebody goes to this domain, split up
what they see into these 3 versions. It will send the first person to $497,
the second one to $997, and the third one to $1,997. It will round-robin
them and send an equal number of people to the split tests.

Say you have four people buy at $497, and two people buy at $1,997,
you’ve just doubled your money. You make $2,000 more by offering the
same product. It’s really pretty simple and it’s wildly effective.

This works really well if you don't say a price on the webinar. People are
going to be attending the webinar from all over the world. They have no
idea what price somebody else is seeing. It’s not unethical. People do it
all the time. Big Fortune 500 companies test prices before they actually
send something to the market. This way you can you can figure out how
much people are willing to spend for your product.

You can also save face if your product is high dollar. You don’t have to
ask for money. Introverts are going to understand this. One of the reasons
I don't sell $2,000 products is because it's difficult for me to ask for
$2,000. Plus, when you go to automate your webinar, you don’t have to
change pricing, which could involve expensive video editing. You don’t
have to worry about anything because the domain names can be the same
across the board and it will be a split test from there.

Another money-getting strategy that we really like is when the signup
page is an offer. Someone goes to sign up for the event, and the page that
they are directed to immediately afterwards—there is a setting in all
webinar platforms that says where should users be directed to—says,
“Thanks so much for signing up. While I have you here, I would really
like to tell you about this new program that we have...”

This is a fantastic money-making opportunity that most people ignore.
Send them to some product that you’re selling, so that you can start to
monetize those leads. People are uniquely tuned into your message when
they sign up for your webinar, so if a thank you page says, “Thanks for
signing up! While I have you here, check this out...” then people are
going to react to it. Normally, those pages get 6 to 10% sign-ups, but

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