
(itemelite) #1

some of those people won’t be attending the webinar, so it’s money you
wouldn’t have had otherwise.

Another thing that I really like to do is a post-webinar survey. Although
not tied directly to money, surveys after the webinar are awesome for
collecting testimonials and the good things people have to say, which you
can use in your future marketing materials. Some of the best testimonials
I have ever received have been done this way. You can put them on your
site, in your sales copy, or wherever you want.

After the webinar finishes, a window pops up, and there will be a form in
there. You just very simply ask them what they liked, what they didn’t
like, and what they want more of. Be sure to tell them that some of their
answers may be used for testimonials. You do have to actually tell them
what you’re going to be using the answers for, but it’s a fantastic way to
get good testimonials.

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