Leisure Painter - UK (2019 - Summer)

(Antfer) #1
Step 23
Finally, use the point of a scalpel
blade to carefully scratch out a
few subtle highlights on the sea.


Step 22
Allow to dry then use an eraser to remove any intrusive pencil
marks. Lay kitchen paper to help mask any important areas then
tap your old toothbrush into a pool of slightly diluted white
gouache. Hold the toothbrush over the foam area and gently draw
your thumb over the bristles to splatter paint onto the surface.


This demonstration was
adapted from David Bellamy’s
Seas and Shorelines in
Watercolour(Search Press,
2019). Save money when you
buy this book from our online
bookshop at PaintersOnline.
See page 74 for details.

The finished painting

http://www.painters-online.co.uk SUMMER 2019 19

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