2019-11-01 In The Moment

(John Hannent) #1

What your answers reveal...

You operate independently, preferring
to forge your own path, make up your
own mind and go your own way. You
own who you are and the decisions
you make, rarely needing others to
help you choose the next step to take.
Your level of self-sufficiency is
admirable, but don’t let it deter you
from asking for help when it’s needed.
Yes, you can do everything yourself –
but that doesn’t mean you have to!
Remember there are people around
you who love and support you and are
happy to be involved in your life. Can
you balance your solitary style to let
others in every once in a while?

You enjoy the moments where your
boldest self steps up and takes charge,
making decisions, creating new things
and being confident in your judgement.
Yet this self-sufficient side isn’t
constant and you can struggle with
knowing when to exercise personal
power. Sometimes your confidence
dwindles, self-doubt creeps in and you
rely on others too much. Tapping into
your own sense of purpose will make
it much easier to think and then act
independently. Own your ideas and
actions, trusting your judgements are
the best you can make right now,
and it will serve you well.

You have a good support network to
turn to and often rely on those closest
to you to be your guide, telling you
exactly what to do when it comes to
anything from food to finances. While
they may have your best interests at
heart, you don’t need their permission
to take action. It’s time to step up
and take a little more responsibility for
yourself. New possibilities will open up
when you trust in your ability to act
independently and make decisions
on your own terms. Start small – grow
your own herbs, make a budget or
pursue a passion project, and notice
how empowered it makes you feel!

Mostly As
You’re a woman who knows
what she wants!

Mostly Bs
You are always striving for
a sense of balance

Mostly Cs
You find it easier to rely on
others than to trust yourself


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