2019-11-01 In The Moment

(John Hannent) #1

themselves alone. That means they usually miss the
chance to include others on their journey.
Having someone you trust to check in with can be
a valuable resource. Listening to another’s insights
and wisdom can be a bonding experience that also
saves you the time and energy it would take to figure
things out for yourself. But pause before you hand
over all of your power to someone else, remember
others can’t always come to the rescue and solve your
problems and you shouldn’t expect them to, so take
this opportunity to consider what is the right course
of action for you. Notice what your gut is telling you
to do, which direction you’re drawn to, and check in
with how you feel about the decision you’re about to
make. By doing this, you can be confident that you are
exercising your judgement in the best way you know
how, you’re capable of choosing and you’re in charge.
If things don’t work out well, don’t panic. Trusting
that you have the personal resources and skillset to
stay afloat for even a little while before being rescued
will be empowering and comforting all at once. It’s
worthwhile being strong enough to support yourself,
but being wise enough to know when it’s time to
reach out and ask for help is even more valuable.

Learn to trust yourself

Permission granted! Do you find yourself naturally
turning to others to seek their permission to
pursue your desires? Instead, grant yourself this
permission: give yourself the ‘yes’ you’re waiting for
and know that it’s okay to make a well-considered
choice and take action in the direction of your desires.

Balance your social and solitary time. Some time
to yourself is useful to reflect and replenish, while
hanging out with others can lift your spirits and
strengthen relationships, and each has their place.
If you like to spend free time solo, try sharing the
experience with a friend. If you’d do anything to
avoid your own company, schedule in some solitude.

Ta ke control of your finances. Sorting out your
money will certainly make you feel much more
self-sufficient. Check out undebt.it, a free tool
which helps you to create a payment plan to
eliminate debt and get financially savvy so you can
comfortably support yourself into the future.

Challenge expectations. If you’re always the one
to take charge in social or work situations, mix it up
a little! Let your friend, partner or colleague decide
what to do next. See what you can learn when you
let go – and go with the flow!

Turn to the experts. If you’re struggling to connect
with your self-reliant side, try reading books, listening
to podcasts or following the Instagram accounts of
pioneers and change-makers who will inspire you to
believe in yourself and be more independent!

Taking control of your
finances and your life
admin can really help to
boost your self-reliance.

Annika Rose
Annika is a wellbeing scientist and
meditation teacher and the founder of
thewellbeingcollective.com. She has
worked as a mental health professional
in both the UK and Australia and has
two degrees in psychology.


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