Classic Gaming - #1

(Frankie) #1
You’re going the wrong way, Horace! You’re
going the...ahh, what does it matter? If he
reaches the bottom in one piece he’ll only try
running across the motorway again, so maybe
it’s for the best if he just ignores the flags and
goes full pelt for the moguls and trees. Blaze of
glory, Horace.



ne of the most widely
known early Spectrum
games, largely by virtue
of being given away free
with the computer for several years.
Horace Goes Skiing was the tale of an
amorphous blue blob (with massive
empty eye sockets) who, foolishly,
wants to run across a busy six-lane
On the other side of said motorway
lies an abstract ski slope, dotted with
the occasional tree and some flags that
you’re supposed to pass through. And
all the way at the bottom of the ski
slope is the motorway again. Repeat
until you run out of dollars to pay for
Horace’s ambulance fees.

Developer Beam Software
Publisher Sinclair Research
Genre Sports
Released 1982

Horace Goes Skiing


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