The Economist

(Steven Felgate) #1

60 Finance and economics The EconomistAugust 4th 2018



T IS the summer of 1979 and Harry
“Rabbit” Angstrom the everyman-hero
of John Updike’s series of novels is run-
ning a car showroom in Brewer Pennsyl-
vania. There is a pervasive mood of de-
cline. Local textile mills have closed. Gas
prices are soaring. No one wants the
traded-in Detroit-made cars clogging the
lot. Yet Rabbit is serene. His is a Toyota
franchise. So his cars have the best mile-
age and lowest servicing costs. When you
buy one he tells his customers you are
turning your dollars into yen.
“Rabbit is Rich” evokes the time when
America was first unnerved by the rise of
a rival economic power. Japan had taken
leadership from America in a succession
of industries including textiles consum-
er electronics and steel. It was threatening
to topple the car industry too. Today Ja-
pan’s economic position is much re-
duced. It has lost its place as the world’s
second-largest economy (and primary
target of American trade hawks) to China.
Yet in one regard its sway still holds.
This week the board of the Bank of Ja-
pan (BoJ) voted to leave its monetary poli-
cy broadly unchanged. But leading up to
its policy meeting rumours that it might
make a substantial change caused a few
jitters in global bond markets. The anxi-
ety was justified. A sudden change of tack
by the BoJwould be felt far beyond Ja-
pan’s shores.
One reason is that Japan’s influence on
global asset markets has kept growing as
decades of the country’s surplussavings
have piled up. Japan’s net foreign assets—
what its residents own abroad minus
what they owe to foreigners—have risen
to around $3trn or 60% of the country’s
annual GDP(see top chart).
But it is also a consequence of very
loose monetary policy. The BoJhas de-
ployed an arsenal of special measures to

battle Japan’s persistently lowinflation. Its
benchmark interest rate is negative (-0.1%).
It is committed to purchasing ¥80trn
($715bn) of government bonds each year
with the aim of keeping Japan’s ten-year
bond yield around zero. And it is buying
baskets of Japan’s leading stocks to the
tune of ¥6trn a year.

Tokyo storm warning
These measures once unorthodox but
now familiar have pushed Japan’s banks
insurance firms and ordinary savers into
buying foreign stocks and bonds thatoffer
better returns than they can get at home.
Indeed Japanese investors have loaded up
on short-term foreign debt to enable them
to buy even more. Holdings of foreign as-
sets in Japan rose from 111% ofGDPin 2010
to 185% in 2017 (see bottom chart). The im-
pact of capital outflows is evident in cur-
rency markets. The yen is cheap. On The
Economist’sBig Mac index a gauge based
on burger prices it is the most undervalued

of any major currency.
Investors from Japan have also kept a
lid on bond yields in the rich world. They
own almost a tenth of the sovereign
bonds issued by France for instance and
more than 15% of those issued by Austra-
lia and Sweden according to analysts at
J.P. Morgan. Japanese insurance compa-
nies own lots of corporate bonds in Amer-
ica although this year the rising cost of
hedging dollars has caused a switch into
European corporate bonds. The value of
Japan’s holdings of foreign equities has
tripled since 2012. They now make up al-
most a fifth of its overseas assets.
What happens in Japan thus matters a
great deal to an array of global asset
prices. A meaningful shift in monetary
policy would probably have a dramatic
effect. It is not natural for Japan to be the
cheapest place to buy a Big Mac a latté or
an iPad says Kit Juckes of Société Géné-
rale. The yen would surge. A retreat from
special measures by the BoJwould be a
signal that the era of quantitative easing
was truly ending. Broader market turbu-
lence would be likely. Yet a corollary is
that as long as the BoJmaintains its cur-
rent policies—and it seems minded to do
so for a while—it will continue to be a
prop to global asset prices.
Rabbit’s sales patterseemed to have a
similar foundation. Anyone sceptical of
his mileage figures would be referred to
the April issue ofConsumer Reports. Yet
one part of his spiel proved suspect. The
dollar which he thought was decaying in
1979 was actually about to revive. This re-
covery owed a lot to a big increase in inter-
est rates by the Federal Reserve. It was
also in part made in Japan. In 1980 Japan
liberalised its capital account. Its investors
began selling yen to buy dollars. The
shopping spree for foreign assets that
started then has yet to cease.

Made in Japan

Saving gluttons

Source: Haver Analytics

Net international investment position 2017 $trn

Japan international investment position
% of GDP





Switzerland China Germany Japan






1996 2000 05 10 15 17




Its economic heft has declined but Japan’s influence on global financial markets is still strong

$8.6bn. Officials admit that much of that
money is sitting idle.
Myanmar’sSOEs are not unique in the
region in being legaciesof dirigiste military
rule. But they are probably the most
opaque and badly run. Other countries
generally require their counterparts to
publish annual reports. Thailand’s have
adopted international reporting standards.
A few in the Philippines have private mi-
nority shareholders. Malaysia uses perfor-
mance indicators for some SOEs’ manag-
ers. In China bosses’ pay is linked to
performance (which admittedly encour-
ages the fiddling of statistics).

There are a few glimmers of improve-
ment. Myanmar’s government has joined
an Asian forum on how best to monitor
SOEs. It recently rid itself of a finance min-
ister Kyaw Win who had been accused of
corruption and admitted in 2016 that his
PhDwas fake. His replacement Soe Win
may do more to promote oversight. He
used to work for Deloitte a global account-
ing firm and sits on the board of the Re-
naissance Institute.
But formidable obstacles remain. Dif-
ferent ministries are responsible for differ-
entSOEs and the finance ministry has no
control over their spending. Only Aung

San Suu Kyi Myanmar’s de facto leader
has the authority to pass reforms. But the
economy is not her priority and she tends
to tread carefully when it comes to the
armed forces’ interests.
MPs from the lower house’s public-ac-
counts committee are keen to look into the
mess says Aung Min their chair. But they
lack administrative support and in many
cases expertise. And few other parliamen-
tarians would welcome scrutiny of zom-
bie factories in their constituencies. Work-
ers in Thagaya for their part feel secure.
The factory cannot close one says “be-
cause it belongs to the government”. 7
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