The Economist USA - 26.10.2019

(Brent) #1
The EconomistOctober 26th 2019 3

1 Contents continues overleaf


The world this week
6 A summary of political
and business news

9 Elizabeth Warren
A plan for American
10 India’s economy
The muddle that Modi
10 Putin’s world
The spy who came in
from the cold
11 China’s Uighurs
Exposing the gulag
12 Coral reefs
No longer in the pink

16 On anti-Semitism, French
addresses, Igbo, people’s
juries, automated

18 American capitalism
Elizabeth Warren’s plans

Special report: India
The two Modis
Afterpage 42

United States
21 Impeachment
22 Felons’ voting rights
24 Closing Rikers Island jail
24 California’s blackouts
26 Ending Open Skies spying
28 LexingtonAmy
Klobuchar for sanity

The Americas
29 The chastening of
Justin Trudeau
30 Shootout in Sinaloa
31 BelloRage in Chile
32 Colombia’s narco-hippos
32 Electoral fraud in Bolivia?

33 Asia’s dying coral
34 Thailand’s ruthless king
35 The Solomon Islands
35 Crumbling Karachi
36 BanyanNorth Korea’s
38 Oppositionless Indonesia
38 Climbing Australia’s m0st
famous rock

40 The Uighurs’ plight
41 Beijing’s gay nightlife
42 ChaguanTaking Zhou
Enlai to the stage

Middle East & Africa
43 Russia in Africa
44 Carving up northern Syria
45 South Africa’s reeling
46 Big protests in Lebanon

ChaguanZhou Enlai,
Mao’s chief aide, was a
hero to some Chinese.
The Communist Party
prefers to forget why,
page 42

On the cover

Elizabeth Warren, the
Democratic front-runner, has
too little time for markets or
business: leader,page 9. Her
many plans would reshape
American capitalism—for
better and worse: briefing,
page 18. The case for Amy
Klobuchar, the senator from
Minnesota: Lexington,page 28

  • It’s Putin’s world now The
    West should learn some lessons
    from the success of Russia’s
    president: leader,page 10.
    Vladimir Putin’s increasing
    influence in Africa, page 43.
    A carve-up of northern Syria,
    page 44

  • The IPO racket Lots is wrong,
    but try finding something better:
    Schumpeter,page 61

  • Modi’s India: a special report
    The country is stumbling because
    its prime minister has not
    pursued his reformist instincts.
    See our special report after
    page 42. Narendra Modi is
    damaging the country ’s
    economy as well as its
    democracy: leader, page 10

  • How to build a fake-news
    detector Lithuanians, besieged
    by disinformation, are fighting
    back,page 70

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