PlayStation Magazine UK - 12.2019

(vip2019) #1

The Big



Given that
Final Fantasy
VII Remake is
only covering
the Midgar
portion of
the original
game, it
makes sense for Square Enix to go
all-out in making that segment into
quite the production. After all, we’ve
been told by producer Yoshinori
Kitase that it’ll feature enough
content to have the runtime you’d
expect of a full Final Fantasy game.
The moment Aerith slips on a
glamorous dress to infiltrate Don
Corneo’s mansion is now a
spectacle, with fireworks and
shiny-eyed glances between her and
Cloud. And the Turks who are
hunting down our heroes on behalf
of Midgar’s elite have become much
more competent, threatening, and
upsettingly handsome. Reno’s
clashes with Cloud, Electro-Mag Rod
on Buster Sword, feel intense; and
Rude just picks up and flings Cloud
into Aerith like a ragdoll as they
battle it out in Sector 5.

Midgar gets a

fresh coat of paint

The latest additions to Final Fantasy VII Remake

Midgar’s mysteries will be revealed
when FFVII Remake releases 3 Mar 2020.

Q Tifa and Cloud can get buff in the gym by
completing timing-based minigames.

Q Who is this international SOLDIER of
mystery? And who’s his barber?

Keeping the game in Midgar isn’t
limiting at all – in fact, it’s quite the
opposite. As Cloud, Tifa, Barrett,
and the rest of AVALANCHE get
caught up in their battle against the
city’s Shinra rulers, things escalate
quickly. Entirely original story
elements have been added to the
remake – as well as the Turks,
a mysterious member of SOLDIER is
also hunting them down.
Sephiroth flashbacks still abound,
and it’s a little unclear how much he’ll
factor into this portion of the game,
though plenty of confrontations
between him and Cloud have been
teased. President Shinra himself
even labels AVALANCHE allies of the
Wutai, a nation Midgar has just been
at war with – and where Sephiroth
and Cloud proved themselves in
battle. That war might have a
greater presence this time around,
and could provide plenty of excuses
to delve deeper into Cloud and
Sephiroth’s tumultuous relationship
as their ideals clash.

The party can access summons
earlier than in the original game,
helping battles get explosive. We
see Ifrit and Shiva tearing things
up, and the Chocobo Chick summon
is a pre-order DLC bonus.

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