(Amelia) #1

Quick meals

4 Granny Smith apples,
peeled, cored and cut
into eighths
125 gm caster sugar
Finely grated rind
of 1 lemon
100 gm frozen raspberries
or blackberries
Double cream or whipped
cream, to serve
150 gm butter, softened
150 gm raw caster sugar
3 eggs, beaten
225 gm (1½ cups) self-raising
flour, sifted
50 ml milk

Apple and berry budinoSERVES 6

Whether made with apples, rhubarb or pears, this
pudding is always best served warm from the oven
with cream, ice-cream or homemade custard.

1 Preheat oven to 180°C.
Place apple, sugar and rind in
a medium saucepan with 1 tbsp
water. Place over medium-high
heat, cover with a lid and cook,
stirring occasionally, until just
soft (4-5 minutes). Transfer to a
buttered 15cm x 25cm, 1.5-litre
ceramic baking dish and top
with berries.
2 For topping, beat butter and
sugar in an electric mixer fitted
with the paddle attachment until
pale and creamy. Slowly add
egg and beat until incorporated.
Gently fold in flour, then add
milk and stir until batter drops
easily from a spoon.
3 Spread batter over apple
and berries, then bake until
golden brown (25-30 minutes).
Serve with cream.●

BudinoJayne Britt white
speckled bowl from
from Batch Ceramics.
Leuke Marriott small sake
cup (salt) from Claypool.
FishBrett Stone bowl
from Claypool. All other
props stylist’s own.
Stockists p176.

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