
(Tuis.) #1
64 / wfmag.cc

 A mutated cesspit of evil
shouldn’t look this pretty.



Battle royale/
survival horror
PC (tested) /
Out now (PC
and Xbox
One), TBA



Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans

unt: Showdown has a tough job.
In the couple of years since its
breakthrough, the battle royale
genre has lost some of its lustre,
with the tactical kill-or-be-killed
drama and chicken dinners of PUBG and its
contemporaries overtaken by promotional
events, battle passes, and stolen dances being
sold as emotes – even relative newcomers like
Apex Legends or Black Ops 4 showed signs the
genre’s popularity may already have peaked.
Hunt: Showdown breathes new life into the genre,
though, by making it trouser-fillingly terrifying.
Hunt: Showdown has most of the battle royale
trappings: an open-ended map full of people out
for blood, with the primary goal being survival
against your fellow player. On top of that all-too-
familiar foundation, however, is a big dollop of
creating-and-hunting action akin to Capcom’s
Monster Hunter, as each team takes on the role
of bounty hunters competing for jobs in a
monster-ridden, 19th century Louisiana bayou.
Setting isn’t usually the battle royale genre’s
biggest strength – it’s considered ground-breaking
when a desert map is replaced with a snowy
one – but Crytek has poured a striking amount
of personality into this &aMun-flavoured hellhole.
The enemies are intimidating, disgusting, and
fascinating in equal measure: mutated dogs,
walking hives of venomous bugs, and brutes
with armour made out of wasps’ nests stalk the
swamps, and bigger bosses look like something
straight out of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre or
John Carpenter’s The Thing. Hunt’s world is the best
the genre’s ever seen, and it’s also a massive step

up from &rytek’s usual fare of gruff supersoldiers
in skintight nanosuits. The design on offer here
could stand alongside gaming’s Gothic greats, like
Bloodborne or Legacy of Kain.
Hunt: Showdown also builds on earlier battle
royale games by introducing elements of character
progression and permadeath, which makes each
bout more than a discrete -minute affair with no
longer-term impact, as is all too common for the
genre. Progression is tracked by your ‘bloodline’,
which dictates some weapon and equipment
unlocks. Your characters can, however, be
permanently lost out in the bayou, making kitting
them out a balancing act between keeping them
strong enough to survive while also risking only the
eTuipment you can afford to lose.
Hunt: Showdown points to a bleak yet beautiful
future for the battle royale genre beyond Fortnite.
Its high price, horror elements, and emphasis on
monster-hunting may make it less of a mainstream
success. In a world full of generic clones, though,
Hunt attempts to build something new – and that
alone makes it more than worth your time.

Hunt: Showdown


Brings some much-needed
atmosphere and tension to
the battle royale genre.

75 %



Hunt didn’t start out life as a
battle royale game, and it shows.
I can’t stress enough how much
Hunt’s aesthetic carries the
whole thing. The music, the
grotesque monsters, weapons,
sounds, and world itself all knit
together to make a Deep South
nightmare that is begging to be
expanded on in future games.

Joe Parlock

 :hoose ʰour first hunterӗ ƹut ǁonԇt get too ƃttƃcheǁ to
themӝ ěheʰ ʥonԇt Ȣƃst Ȣongӝ
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