
(Frankie) #1^103

  1. With right sides together, layer a marked white with small print square
    D on top at the bottom left of a 5" ginger brown print square F. Sew
    on the drawn line, cut a ¼" from the drawn line, then press back the
    resulting triangle.

  2. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 with two 2½" squares C to the top left and bottom
    right of the unit from Step 2.

  3. Embellish with 5" strips of ecru medium rickrack.

  4. Repeat Steps 1-4, sewing the D square to the bottom right of square F.

  5. Repeat Steps 1-5 to make a total of three left legs and three right legs.

  6. Sew a left and right leg together to complete a leg row.

  7. Repeat Step 7 to make a total of three leg rows.

Completing the Quilt

  1. Sew the head, arm and leg rows together to complete a Gingerbread Man

block. Repeat to make a total of three Gingerbread Man blocks.

  1. Sew two 2" x 9½" sashing strips between the three Gingerbread Man
    blocks to complete the quilt center.

  2. Sew the two 3½" x 30½" red and tan Homespun side border strips to the
    sides of the quilt center from Step 2.

  3. Sew the two 3½" x 15½" red and tan Homespun top and bottom border
    strips to the top and bottom of the unit from Step 3 to complete the quilt.

  4. Sandwich the quilt top, batting and backing; baste. Quilt as desired then bind.

  5. Embellish the Gingerbread Men with black button eyes and the vintage
    ecru buttons down the front. Jennie chose to embellish after machine
    quilting for ease in the quilting process. Quilt Assembly Diagram

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