
(singke) #1

40 Horoscope Guide

ing on your friendship door. Jupiter spends
about a year getting to know each of the
signs, so he will drop in for a visit to your
solar 11th every 12 years. Saturn averages
about two and a half years in each sign, so
you are looking at a 29-year gap between
visits to your 11th. Uranus, Neptune, and
Pluto are even pokier, averaging 7 years,
14 years, and from 13 to 30 years in each
sign, respectively. This means that many
people will go through life never experi-
encing any of the these three planets in a
particular house.
Luckily, you don’t have to depend on
an actual in-house visit from the planetary
bodies in order to benefit from their vibra-
tions. Over time, the ruler of the sign that
graces your 11th house cusp will make
contact with the other planetary bodies.
Make note of when this happens, and you
will benefit from an extra energy boost in
your social life.

One note of caution
before you begin checking
out the transits and aspects
to your 11th house: Just
because you are due to
have an energy boost to
that house, this doesn’t
mean you have to use that
energy. Years ago, when I
was starting to learn astrol-
ogy, I had a friend ask me
to look at her mother’s
chart. Her mom had just
gotten divorced, and my
friend was afraid that she
was feeling lonely. When I
looked at her mom’s chart,
I thought I had great news
to pass along to my friend,
as Jupiter, the planet of
blessings, was transiting
her 11th house! “This is
wonderful,” I told my friend, “your mom
has positive energy in her friendship
sector, so you can tell her to get out and
socialize, and make an effort to meet more
Sounds like good astrological advice,
right? Maybe, but not in the case of my
friend’s mother. This lady was of course
very sad because her husband, who was
now out of the picture, was someone she
had considered to be a friend. Jupiter or
not, she simply did not want to get back
in the social whirl, but instead wanted
to be alone and take time for herself. At
her daughter’s urging, she made a few
halfhearted attempts to meet new people,
but each one ended with her feeling sad-
der than she was before. What she most
enjoyed was being by herself, and doing
activities on her own. Jupiter in her 11th
house was beneficial to her healing, but
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