
(Grace) #1

NOVEMBER baking heaven 45


Ice cream brekky bar


For the clustery granola pieces
90g (3oz) unsalted mixed nuts
225g (8oz) rolled oats
25g (1oz) sesame seeds
25g (1oz) sunflower seeds
60ml (2fl oz) sunflower oil
50ml (2fl oz) runny honey
80g (3oz) mixed dried berries
For the sleeping porridge
200g (7oz) rolled oats
1 tsp ground cinnamon
400ml (14fl oz) unsweetened
almond milk, plus extra to serve
100g (3½oz) raisins
1 tsp fine sea salt
For the banana ice cream
4 large bananas, peeled, cut into
1-2 tbsp almond milk
To finish
200g (7oz) mixed berries
200g (7oz) natural yoghurt
a drizzle of honey


For the clustery granola pieces
1 Preheat the oven to 190°C/Gas Mark
5 and line a baking tray with
baking paper.
2 Mix the nuts, oats and seeds in large
bowl, then add the oil and honey. Stir
with a fork.
3 Tip the granola onto the lined baking
tray and spread it out in a thin layer. Bake
for 20 minutes, stirring twice to make
sure it bakes evenly, until golden brown.
4 Tip into a bowl and leave to cool, then
chuck in those dried berries and pop
into an airtight container ready to
use tomorrow.

For the sleepy porridge
1 Put the oats in a bowl, stir in the
cinnamon, almond milk, raisins and
salt, then cover and put in the fridge
until the next day.
2 Put the banana chunks on a baking
tray and pop the tray in the freezer.


For the banana ice cream
1 Throw the frozen banana into the

bowl of a food-processor and blitz until
smooth, adding enough almond milk to
give it a creamy consistency.
2 Loosen the porridge a little with a little

Ice cream for breakfast... well,
normally it shouldn’t be done.
My mum wouldn’t allow it, but when
I told her it was ice cream made of
frozen bananas, clustery pieces of
goodness and overnight oats, yup, it
got the seal of approval! Start making
this the night before you want to to
ea t i t – make i t in your PJ s , I dar e ya.
And make a larger batch of granola
if you like, to keep and use for
other brekky dishes.

Liam^ says

almond milk, then divide it between
4 large jars or bowls. Top with mixed
berries, a spoonful of the yoghur t, a
scoop or two of the banana ice cream
and clustery granola pieces. Add a drizzle
of honey and enjoy your breakfast!
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