
(Grace) #1


Queen of puddings
For the base
200g (7oz) ready-made Swiss roll
3 free-range eggs
80g (3oz) caster sugar
250ml (9fl oz) milk
250ml (9fl oz) cream
1 vanilla pod
1 jar of Hawkshead Relish
Raspberry & Vanilla Jam
For the topping
3 free-range egg whites
175g (6oz) caster sugar

1 Preheat the oven to 160°C/Gas Mark
2½. Meanwhile, slice the Swiss roll and
layer it across the bottom of an
ovenproof pudding dish.
2 Whisk the eggs and sugar in a bowl
until creamy. Place the milk and cream
in a saucepan, split the vanilla pod and
scrape out the seeds into the pan, then
add the pod itself and bring the liquid to
boiling point. Remove the vanilla pod,

then whisk the hot liquid into the eggs
and sugar until well combined.
3 Pour the custard over the Swiss roll
and allow it to soak into the cake for
around 20 minutes.
4 Half fill a larger roasting tin with hot
water and place the pudding dish in the
tray; the water level should reach
halfway up the sides of the dish.
5 Bake for 20-25 minutes, then remove
from the oven once the custard is set.
Allow to cool slightly, then spoon over a
generous layer of the jam.
6 To make the meringue, whisk the egg
whites to stif f peaks, then slowly add the
sugar, a spoonful at a time, while
whisking until you have a thick glossy
consistency. If you have a piping bag you
can pipe the meringue over the top, if not
use a spoon to pull it upwards into peaks.
7 Place the dish under a hot grill for
4-6 minutes until the meringue is lovely
and browned. You can use a blowtorch
instead if you have one.
TIP This pud can be made in individual
ramekins for a retro dinner party dessert.

Salted caramel apple
170g (6oz) dried mixed fruit
grated zest of 1 orange
1 tbsp gingerbread rum (or alcohol
of your choice)
1 jar of Hawkshead Relish Salted
Caramel Sauce
4 Braeburn apples
200g (7oz) shortcrust pastry
25g (1oz) butter
2 free-range eggs, beaten
custard, to serve

1 Combine the dried fruit, orange zest,
alcohol and 4 tbsp salted caramel
sauce. Leave to soak for 30 minutes.
2 Peel and core the apples, then stuff
the centres with the soaked fruit mix
and brush the apples with salted
caramel sauce.
3 Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas
Mark 4.

4 Cut the pastry into four 10cm (4in)
squares and top each with 1 tbsp salted
caramel sauce and a stuffed apple. Top
with a small cube of butter and a blob of
caramel sauce, then fold the four corners
of the pastry inwards to cover the apple.
Rest the parcels in the fridge for
10-15 minutes, then brush with the egg.
5 Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes
until browned. Serve with custard and
an extra drizzle of salted caramel sauce.

TIP At Christmas, try adding extra spice
such as cinnamon or mixed spice and
serve with brandy or gingerbread rum
infused cream on the side.

The recipes on pages
55-56 are taken from
Embellish with
Relish © 2 0 19 M e z e
Publishing Ltd.
Written by Maria
Whitehead MBE,
photography by
Tim Green.
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