(sharon) #1



Lucy Rogers’ column in HackSpace issue
1 really struck a chord with me. When
I was a kid I used to love taking things
to bits and putting them back together.
Sometimes they worked just the same as
they did before; sometimes they worked
better, and sometimes they didn’t work
at all, usually because I’d forgotten to put
a screw back in somewhere.
Being a reader, as well as a maker, I
was steered away from practical things
towards ‘proper’ subjects. After a long,
dull, safe career I’m now making things
again, and extremely happy about it too.
I think there used to be a stigma about
working with your hands that hopefully
kids today won’t suffer from.



Thanks to Stuart and the rest of the
members from fizzPOP, I’ve got a
serious case of gear envy. I’m planning
launching a maker space in my little
corner of Ireland and the hardest
thing, apart from finding the space
itself, is getting hold of tools that aren’t
broken. Actually no – it’s fixing all the
broken tools that local businesses have
donated. Keep up the good work, and
maybe one day you’ll be writing about
my as-yet-unnamed maker space.


Above (^) Ireland
You can get back in to
making at any time in your
career. It can even become
your new career – just
ask Paul Parry of Bad
Dog Designs
We’ve learned today that if you’re stuck for
equipment, your local police force may have
some lying around that they can donate to you
If you have something you’d
like to get off your chest (or
even throw a word of praise
in our direction) let us know at
To anyone else out
there who misses
putting things
together, there’s
nothing holding
you back. Your local
hackspace will welcome
you with open arms,
and the internet is full of
cheap, quick, accessible
projects to build. As, we
hope, are the pages of
HackSpace magazine. Let
us know if you agree!

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