(sharon) #1

Bunnie Huang


ardware hacking can
seem unapproachable, but
the good news is that its
core framework – namely
physics – has been stable
since the beginning of the
universe. This is unlike software, where
it’s a constant struggle to keep up with
the deluge of new platforms, languages,
and trends.
 One of the best
ways to learn
about hardware
is to just start
opening stuff
up and looking
inside. I started
a monthly
‘name that ware’
on my blog
com] about twelve
years ago to
encourage this kind of thinking, and now
you have iFixit [ifixit.com] and eevblog
[eevblog.com] doing amazing teardowns
all the time. The purpose of taking things
apart isn’t to understand everything.
Rather, it’s to start populating your brain
with patterns and memes. There’s a
certain shape and size to everything, and
there are common themes.
 And then you start making
observations. Why, for example, is it that
almost every circuit board is somewhere
between the size of your palm and a sheet
of paper? Turns out it has something
to do with the speed of light. It also has
something to do with the fact that it’s
hard to make things absolutely perfect.

And it also has to do with how quickly you
can get heat out of objects. Pick any thread
and pull, and you’ll find frameworks that go
all the way down to quantum mechanics.
The deeper you go, the more you’ll discover
that everything is related to everything
else in some way – it’s all choreographed
by the laws of nature. 
Now imagine you are presented with
a piece of unknown electronics that you
want to hack. It’s
like looking at a
chess match, in its
final positions, and
figuring out what
went through the
players’ minds.
First, look for
exceptions to
common design
patterns. It
takes real effort
to make new
design patterns,
so engineers only make exceptions, or
create new ones, if they really have to.
Then, look for debug and test facilities;
economic realities inevitably demand
their presence. Finally, feel out the cracks
between abstraction layers. Look for
assumptions that might not have been
checked carefully. Standard interfaces
can often be exploited to do new and
interesting things.
This is where it helps to be a practising
design engineer – when implementing
standard interfaces, take note of where
the specs are weak or have ambiguities.
Drive wedges into these weak spots; often
just the tiniest breach in the wall is all
that’s needed to bring about the flood!

Hacking hardware

Learn how things work by taking them apart


 And then you start
making observations.
Why, for example, is it that
almost every circuit board
is somewhere between the
size of your palm and a
sheet of paper?

Bunnie Huang

Andrew ‘Bunnie’ Huang is a
hacker by night, entrepreneur
by day, and writer by
procrastination. He’s a
co‑founder of Chibitronics,
troublemaker‑at‑large for the
MIT Media Lab, and a mentor
for HAX in Shenzhen.

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