Better Homes & Gardens – Holiday Crafts 2019

(Marcin) #1
HolidayCrafts 2019 79

Songbird Serenade

shown on page 74


22-inch square of cotton/linen-blend
fabric (pillow front)
Multipurpose sealing wrap (such as
Glad Press’n Seal brand)
Extra-fine-tip permanent marking
pen: black
Size 5 perle cotton: dark blue
Needles: Size 22 or 24 chenille,
Freezer paper
Wool felt and/or felted wool: gold
(bird and stars), dark blue (beak and
eye), three assorted greens (leaves),
three assorted reds (berries)
Water-soluble fabric glue (such as
Glue-Baste-It brand)
Embroidery floss: gold, dark blue,
assorted greens, assorted reds
19-inch square of medium-weight
red-striped ticking fabric (pillow back)
18-inch square pillow form


Trace the wreath pattern in Pattern Pack
onto white paper. Tear off a piece of
multipurpose sealing wrap a few inches
larger than the pattern. Place the wrap
on top of pattern and smooth out any air
bubbles. Using an extra-fi ne-tip permanent
marking pen, trace pattern onto wrap. Lift
the wrap from pattern and apply the wrap
to the pillow front, using the guidelines on
pattern to center the design; smooth out
air bubbles.


Go to page 111 or
to see stitch diagrams. Using a chenille
needle and dark blue perle cotton,
stem-stitch the wreath, word, and bird
legs through the sealing wrap. (We used

(^3) ∕ 16 -inch-long stitches on the wreath and
(^1) ∕ 8 -inch-long stitches on the word and bird
legs.) To stem-stitch curves, make stitches
slightly shorter.
Peel sealing wrap off the fabric, being
careful not to pull the stitches. Use
tweezers to remove any small pieces of
wrap that stick in the stitches.


Using the marking pen, trace the leaves,
berry, star, bird, eye, and beak the number
of times indicated on the patterns onto
the dull side of freezer paper. Cut out
each shape approximately^1 ∕ 4 inch outside
traced lines. Using a hot dry iron, press
freezer-paper shapes, shiny sides down,
onto appropriate wool. Cut out shapes on
drawn lines.
Use a small dot of fabric glue to adhere
eye to bird; let dry.
Gather the paper wreath template used
earlier. Cut^1 ∕ 4 inch inside the drawn circle
and^1 ∕ 16 inch outside the bird and bird leg
lines. Align template with stitched wreath
and bird legs on pillow front. Note: The
circle may not align perfectly, so use legs
for alignment. Apply dots of fabric glue to
center backs of bird and beak and adhere
the shapes to the pillow front through the
cut opening in template; avoid placing glue
near edges to be stitched. Remove paper
template and let glue dry.


Use two strands of matching embroidery
fl oss and tiny whipstitches for all
appliquéing. Whipstitch the bird and beak
to the pillow front. Whipstitch the eye to
the bird.
Referring to photo, above, arrange the
stars and berries on wreath, then add
the leaves. If desired, cut more leaves
using freezer-paper method to add to the
arrangement (we used 37 leaves). When
satisfi ed with arrangement, glue shapes to
pillow front; avoid placing glue on edges
to be stitched. Let dry. Whipstitch around
each shape.


Using a warm dry iron, press back side of
pillow front. Trim pillow front to 19 inches
square, keeping wreath centered.
With right sides together, sew together
pillow front and red-striped ticking pillow
back, using a^1 ∕ 2 -inch seam allowance and
leaving a 16-inch opening in bottom edge
for stuffi ng. Clip corners and turn pillow
cover right side out. Insert pillow form
through opening. Stitch opening closed.
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