
(John Hannent) #1

debt, college, 49

democracy, political polarization as threat to, 3– 4 , 130

Democratic Party

African-Americans’ connection to, 111

class cluelessness in, 111 , 121– 122

cross-racial coalitions in, 59

evolution of coalition of, 122– 125

policy recommendations for, 114– 119

vs. Republican Party, connection with working class, 121– 127

strategies for connecting with working class, 109– 119

on trade policy, 114

white southerners in, 122– 123

Dempsey, Rachel, What Works for Women at Work , 79

dependability, as working-class value, 33

“deplorables,” 68

despair, among white working class, 4


of professional elite, 31

of working class, 5 , 22 , 91– 92

dinner parties, 28 , 30

disability benefits, 21– 22 , 98– 99

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