
(John Hannent) #1

Conner, Alana, 65– 66


and industrial policy, 84

negative attitudes toward government encouraged by, 100 , 101

range of sexualities embraced by, 32– 33

unions opposed by, 26

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 103 , 105

Cooper, Marianne, 38

Cooperative Extension Service, 102

Corbett, Rachel, 44


on government regulation, 103– 104

negative public opinion on, 102– 103

credential programs, 87– 88

cross-racial coalitions, 59– 60 , 71– 72 , 131

Crow, Michael, 86

cultural capital, 28

cultural traditions, class as, 12. See also folkways

cultural voting, 122

culture gap, class. See class culture gap

Dawkins, Richard, 28

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