The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes  83

40. farms peaked near seven million: “Agriculture  9  0. Changes in

Agriculture,  900 to  9  0 ,” in “U.S. Census of Agriculture— 9  0 , A Graphic
Summary,” vol. V, part 6 , US Department of Agriculture, accessed November
 0 ,  0  7 , 9  0 / 0 / 06
/ 8  0 / 4  667073 vp 6 ch 4 .pdf.
4 . powerful banks and railroads: Howard, Concentration and Power,  8.
4 . Ninety-five percent of farm implements: W. Neuman, “Negotiated
Meanings and State Transformation: The Trust Issue in the Progressive Era,”
Social Problems 4 , no. 3 (August  998 ): 3 – 3 , 0 . 307 / 3097  89.
43. Ironically, breaking up the trusts: Ibid.
44. the whaling fleet doubled in size: “How the Oil Industry Saved the
Whales,” San Joaquin Valley Geology, last modified October ,  0 , http:
//; for more information see: “The
History of the Oil Industry,” San Joaquin Valley Geology, last modified Janu-
ary ,  0  7 ,; “History of the
Oil and Gas Industry,” Business Reference Services, BERA / 6 ,  00 / 006 ,
last modified February  6 ,  0  8 ,
/history.html; Samuel Pees, “Whale Oil,” Petroleum History Institute, ac-
cessed November  0 ,  0  7 ,
/Whale/whale.html; Bennett Wall, “Oil Industry,” History, accessed March
 9 ,  0  8 ,
4 . Mergers and acquisitions benefited: Howard, Concentration and
Power,  8 –  9.
46. When Bill Clinton took over: Lynn, Cornered,  70.
47. monopoly is the best friend: Ibid., chap. .
48. “deadly combination.”: Neil Harl, “The Structural Transformation of
Agriculture,” presented at the  003 Master Farmer Awards Ceremony, West
Des Moines, Iowa, March  0 ,  003 , http://www
/harl/Structural TransformationofAg.pdf; Neil Harl, “Antitrust Issues in the
New Food System,” presented at American Agricultural Economics Asso-
ciation Workshop, Tampa, Florida, July  9 ,  000 , http://www.farmfoundation.
org/news/articlefiles/ 94 -harl.pdf; Neil Harl, “The Age of Contract Agricul-
ture: Consequences of Concentration in Input Supply,” Journal of Agribusi-
ness  8 , no.  (March  000 ): – 7 ,
/ 470 // 80  0 .pdf.
49. Formed on the eve of the Great Depression: Donald Barnes et al.,
“The Capper-Volstead Act: Opportunity Today and Tomorrow,” presented
at the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives’ National Institute on Co-
operative Education, Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August ,  997 , http:

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