The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes 303

(November ,  9  8 ): – 8 , 8 / 3334

4. potatoes provided: Charles Mann, 1493 : Uncovering the New World Co-
lumbus Created (New York: Vintage,  0 ), Kindle edition,  09.
. mostly milk and potatoes: Ibid., .
6. But along with the guano: Ibid.,  6.
7. famine claimed one million lives: Joseph O’Neill, The Irish Potato
Famine (Minneapolis, MN: Abdo Group,  009 ), 7.
8. “Suitcase farmers,”: Morris Cooke, Report of the Great Plains Drought
Area Committee (to the President), August  7 ,  936 , Hathi Trust Digital Library, 3  9  40009339  6 ;view=up;seq=.
9. Total land cultivated: Ibid., 6.
 0. In the Southern Plains: Andrew Smith, Food in America: The Past,
Present, and Future of Food, Farming, and the Family Meal, vol.  (Santa Bar-
bara, CA: ABC-CLIO,  0  7 ), 3 – 36.
. some stage of erosion: Cooke, Report of the Great Plains Drought, .
. Farmers placed the blame: Zeynep Hansen and Gary Libecap, “Small
Farms, Externalities, and the Dust Bowl of the  930 s,” Journal of Political Econ-
omy , no. 3 ( 004 ): 66 – 94 , http://www
 3. close the book on infectious disease: Bill Bryson, A Short History of
Nearly Everything (New York: Broadway Books  003 ), 3 ; James Surowiecki,
“No Profit, No Cure,” New Yorker, November ,  00 , https://www.newyorker
.com/magazine/ 00 // 0 /no-profit-no-cure.
 4. immunity to penicillin: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), “Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States,  0  3 ,”  0  3 ,  8 , 0  3 -  08 .pdf.
. adding antibiotics to livestock feed: Maureen Ogle, “Riots, Rage,
and Resistance: A Brief History of How Antibiotics Arrived on the Farm,”
Scientific American, September 3 ,  0  3 ,
 6. promote growth is a mystery: Vikram Krishnasamy, Joachim Otte, and
Ellen Silbergeld, “Antimicrobial Use in Chinese Swine and Broiler Poultry
Production,” Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 4 , no.  7 ( 0 ): – 9 , 37  6 - 0 - 00  0 -y.pdf.
 7. bacteria thwarting the drugs: Ogle, “Riots, Rage and Resistance.”
 8. FDA tried to rein in usage: Ibid.
 9. 80 percent of all antibiotics consumed: Tracy Pham, “Drug Use Review,”
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), April ,  0 , , http://www.fda.

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