The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

3  4 Notes

66. remembering Amara’s law: “Roy Amara  9 – 007 —American Futu-

rologist,” in Oxford Essential Quotations, 4 th edition, ed. Susan Ratcliffe (Ox-
ford, UK: Oxford University Press,  0  6 ).
67. the peasant sector controlled: Altieri and Funes-Monzote, “The
Paradox of Cuban Agriculture.”
68. higher in Cuba: “Food Balance—Visualize Data—Food Supply in
Cuba  007 —Cuba Food Supply (kcal/capita/day) Grand Total,” FAOSTAT,
accessed April ,  0  8 ,;
Altieri and Funes-Monzote, “The Paradox of Cuban Agriculture.”

Chapter 12

. Borman unexpectedly noticed: Robert Poole, Earthrise: How Man
First Saw the Earth (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,  0  0 ).
. astronaut Bill Anders: Ibid., .
3. Robert Poole later wrote: Ibid., 8.
4. Life magazine declared: Ibid., .
. food has a bigger impact on well-being: Mark Bittman et al., “How
a National Food Policy Could Save Millions of American Lives,” Wash-
ington Post, November 7 ,  0  4 ,
/how-a-national-food-policy-could-save-millions-of-american-lives/ 0  4 /
/ 07 / 89 ce 6 - 637 f-e 4 - 836 c- 83 bc 4 f 6 eb 67 _story.html?utm_term=.b 4  0 c 74
a 4 d; Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, A Framework
for Assessing Effects of the Food System (Washington, DC: National Acade-
mies Press,  0 ), Overview Description, 8846

6. bread prices rose by 37 percent: Rami Zurayk, “Use Your Loaf: Why
Food Prices Were Crucial in the Arab Spring,” The Guardian, July  6 ,  0 , 0 /jul/ 7 /bread-food-arab
7. “cheap luxuries.”: George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier (New York:
Mariner Books,  97 ), chaps.  & 6.
8. Carl Sagan said it best: Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, The Demon-
Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (New York: Ballantine Books,
 997 ),  8.
9. hurtling through space: “What Is the Speed of the Earth’s Rotation?”
Ask the Space Scientist, National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
accessed March  9 ,  0  8 , 0840 .html;

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