Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making

(Ron) #1
CHAPTER 14 Performance measurement 593

Goals Measures Drivers

  1. Customer
    Increase customer

Customer satisfaction

•    Repeat customers
• Number of customer referrals
• Customer satisfaction survey
• On-time deliveries
Market share Market share • New customers obtained

  1. Internal operations
    Customer response time Customer response time • Number of steps from customer order

    to delivery
    • Delivery time
    Improve quality Spoilage and rework
    (dollar values)

•    Defective  units   produced
• Time on rework
Quality training and

•    Update manuals
• Number of employees undertaking
quality training
Reduce stock levels Raw materials inventory
(dollar values)

•    Number of   suppliers
• Number of supplier agreements
Finished goods inventory
(dollar values)

•    Warehouse  utilisation

  1. Innovation and improvement
    Empower workforce Employee satisfaction

•    Employee   benefits,   facilities  and
Employee suggestions • Number of employee suggestions
Employee performance • Number of employees receiving bonuses
Technological edge Skill and knowledge
training sessions

•    Number of   employees  attending   training

Machinery investment •   Machinery  comparison  with     competitors

  1. Non-market perspective
    Environment Reduce CO 2 emissions and
    energy use

•    %   of  plant  on   ‘green power’  dollar
invested in solar power
Reduce water consumption • Capacity of rain water tanks
Community Sponsorship of community
and sporting clubs

•    $   of  services   given   to   non-profit
community and sporting

14.2 Abdullah Holdings is a development company that builds infrastructure such as roads, bridges and

rail networks, as well as large commercial, retail and mining buildings. Information pertaining to
the two divisions is presented. The common costs are allocated on the number of employees, and
the corporate costs are allocated on sales revenue.

Roads and
infrastructure Buildings

Number of employees
Variable costs
Fixed costs



8 500 000
20 000
3 500 000
3 000 000



5 000 000
18 500
2 500 000
1 750 000

Common costs amounted to $1 155 000 for the year and the corporate costs were $810 000. You are

required to draw up a divisional performance report.

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