Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making

(Ron) #1

594 Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making


Roads and
infrastructure Buildings Total
$ 000 $ 000 $ 000
Variable costs

8 500
3 500

5 000
2 500

13 500
6 000
Contribution margin
Fixed cost

5 000
3 000

2 500
1 750

7 500
4 750
Divisional margin
Common costsa
Corporate costsb

2 000


2 750
1 155
Profit 890 (105) 785
a$1 155 000/(20 000 + 18 500 employees) = $30 per employee.
b$810 000/(8 500 000 + 5 000 000) = 0.06 per sales dollar or 6 per cent.

14.3 The information below relates to Highland Incorporated.

Division A Division B

Total assets $2 000 000 $10 000 000
Current liabilities 500 000 3 000 000
Divisional profit margin 400 000 1 500 000
Sales 1 900 000 13 000 000

a. Calculate the Du Pont ROI for each division.
b. If the charge for capital is 17 per cent, what is the RI for each division?
c. If the weighted average cost of capital for both divisions is 13 per cent, calculate the EVA. The
tax rate is 30 per cent.

a. ROI = Profit margin × Investment turnover

Profit/Investment = Profit/Sales × Sales/Investment

Division A
400 000/2 000 000 = 400 000/1 900 000 × 1 900 000/2 000 000
20% = 21% × 0.95 times

Division B
1 500 000/10 000 000 = 1 500 000/13 000 000 × 13 000 000/10 000 000
15% = 11.5% × 1.3 times

b. Profit − Required rate of return × Investment = RI

Division A $ 400 000 − 0.17 × $2 000 000 = $ 60 000
Division B $1 500 000 − 0.17 × $10 000 000 = −$200 000

c. PAT
−WACC × (Total assets − Current liabilities)= EVA

Division A 400 000 × (1 − 0.3) − 0.13 × (2 000 000 − 500 000) = $ 85 000
Division B 1 500 000 × (1 − 0.3)− 0.13 × (10 000 000 − 3 000 000) =−$140 000
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