Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making

(Ron) #1

596 Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making

14.25  LO3

The following data relate to the Chinese Division of Chee Incorporated.

Direct variable costs
Direct fixed costs
Average invested capital
Required rate of return


180 000
60 000
40 000
200 000

a. the return on investment b. the residual income.

14.26   LO4

For each of the following stakeholder groups give an example of an eco-efficiency indicator.

a. shareholders
b. government
c. top management
d. site management
e. project management
f. divisional management
g. product management.

14.27   LO3

A division reports divisional margin/profit of $180 000, residual income of $36 000 and an
investment for the period of $1 440 000. What is the minimum return being required by management?

14.28   LO3

A division has profit of $40 500, sales of $495 000 and an investment base of $225 000. If the

required charge for capital is 18 per cent, determine:
a. the profit margin
b. the asset turnover
c. the return on investment
d. the relationship between the three measures in parts (a) to (c)
e. the residual income.

14.29   LO3

A segment of Owl Holdings reports sales of $560 000 and a profit of $120 000. The data below

also relate to the segment of Owl Holdings.

Total assets
Accumulated depreciation
Net assets book value
Current market value


1 300 000
300 000
1 000 000
2 500 000

Determine the return on investment if the investment base is valued at:
a. original cost b. written-down value c. market value.

14.30   LO1

For each of the five perspectives of the balanced scorecard, list two possible objectives, a measure

and a driver. Arrange your answer as follows.
Objective Measure Driver
Financial perspective
Internal operations
Innovation and improvement
Non-market perspective
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