2019-09-01 Commercial Design

(Chris Devlin) #1


Commercial Design | September 2019 | 49


assets and systems into a sustainable
frameZorN includinJ lifecycle
assessments and undertaNinJ lifecycle buildinJ
manaJement +is team Kas reduced tKe reTuired
ZorNforce and operatinJ cost as Zell as increased
lifespans of assets
6 ince tKe Yalue of tKe space utilised for
production is important and directly affects
tKe bottom line .Kera says ́.noZinJ tKat Ze
are moYinJ toZards a ZorNinJ enYironment consistinJ of Yirtual or

mobile ZorNers our solutions include Áe[ible ZorNstations distributed
ZorNplace strateJy sKop Áoor redesiJn etc 7Ke cost of production Kas
come doZn due to an optimised usaJe of space reTuirementμ
́0oYinJ from a corporate ,7,7(6 to a manufacturinJ setup
Zas a difÀcult decision , started by enKancinJ tKe serYice leYels in
manufacturinJ ZKicK KoZeYer is still not orJanised as tKe ,7,7(6 setup
)0 or administration is still seen as a typical maintenance department
, am proud tKat , KaYe been able to cKanJe tKe perception ³ Ze KaYe
Jradually deYeloped a reputation of a Ney strateJy department ZKere
Ze recommend desiJninJ tKe sKop Áoor cost optimisation metKods and
mucK moreμ adds .Kera

Director, WeWork India

Head – Corporate Real Estate, IDEMIA India


n a traditional ofÀce space business
owners need to deal with landlords,
contractors, broNers, security deposits,
locNin periods, etc, which can be e[tremely
timeconsuming as well as Ànancially and
mentally draining :e:orN aims to solve this
by providing collaborative worN solutions
and equipping people to utilise more in less
space &:e 2 9 irwani states, ́2ur locations
help companies of all sizes collaborate
through refreshing design, an engaging community and added beneÀts
7 oday, we are not only building spaces but enabling entrepreneurial
stories in ,ndiaμ
+e adds, ́$t :e:orN, culture is what enables us to create the
community that maNes members choose us ,t is an output, resulting
less from amenities liNe free lunches, foosball tables, onsite massages
and primarily from inputs that are more profound, systemic and
:e:orN strives to create a space that is collaborative and
outward in nature $part from the global reach, as a collaborative
worNspace provider, their aim is to always striNe a human connect
through all initiatives 7 he 7*,0 7 hanN *od it·s 0 onday initiative
has been a part of their culture since the beginning 7 hey offer
complimentary breaNfast on 0 ondays, which offers a special menu
each weeN to beat the blues :ellness :ednesday is an initiative
where the team organises Àtness activities every weeN from 6 alsa to
<oga, 3 ilates to =umba, meant both for worNing out and connecting
with fellow members :e:orN community team is always coming
up with varied events for members ranging from panel discussions,
worNshops, seminars to pop ups by lifestyle brands, etc 9 irwani says,
́7he idea is to indulge our members· passions at worN and help them
meet liNeminded peopleμ
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